Support Us
You can make a vital contribution to the Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra by becoming a subscriber of our parent organization, the Brooklyn Heights Music Society. Donors will be recognized in our concert program for the remainder of the 2024–2025 season.
Double your impact by asking your employer to match your gift.
If you work for, or are retired from, one of the many companies with a matching gift plan, your contribution to the Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra can have twice the impact. Your employer will match your gift dollar for dollar, some companies even double or triple the amount of your gift — at no cost to you.
A Very Special Thank You to Everyone Who Has Supported Us Over the Past Year
Conductor’s Circle ($1000+)
Wanda Fleck
Seth Maerowitz and Ann Friedman
Michael Viens
Department of Cultural Affairs
Concertmaster’s Circle ($500-$999)
Nishan Bhaumik
Jesse Christensen and Stephen Painter, Jr.
Norma Green
Peter Evans and James Russo
Symphony Circle ($100-499)
Sinetta Avram
John Contrubis
Kathleen Hands
Adam Hersh
Gail Hessol
Devashish Jain
Paul and Margaret May
Maisie McAdoo
Vicki Negron
Charles Pelton
Andrea Preziotti
Jacqui Tomlet
Friends (up to $99)
Saad Abdali
Suzanne Balestier
Christopher Barosky
Meeckel Beecher
Andrew Beres
Raoul Bhavnani and Savitha Reddy
Ainslie Binder
Matthew Blades
Jean-Luc Briguet
Catherine Brown
Dorothy M. Browne
Suzanne Bustamante
Kim Canavan
Mary Cottingham
Zach Dugan
Joan Encarnacion
Leo Gil
Michael Greenberg
Patricia Haynes
Gerald Homan
Annamaria King
Matthew Kramer
Steven Lartey
Mattie Lorenzoni
John Masella
Michael Mena
Victoria Meyer
Natalie Tanya Ohly
Jeffrey Osler
Nicholas Petrovich
Amelia Ryan
Bethany Ryker
Ed Sawyer
Tania Szilagyi
John Vanek
Xining Zhang